Jesus the Saviour


I have never experienced a soul so pure and perfect.  How far do these words stretch? —-“Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.” Pg. 537. New testament International version.

I would be lying to myself if I deny Jesus and religion that I also experienced. Again, I have these extraordinary experiences that I cannot explain to anyone. I have never experienced a God so pure and perfect.  His body was so pure, it is as if he had the purest blood flowing through his body and knew no sin. I never understood this that is probably why they say he shed the blood. What I felt of the body was unlike rest of us. I believe with my heart and soul that Jesus has power over sin and to take away sin.  And he has the power to heal any soul, even the worst kind of person. Now, how could I know him to be perfect, pure and proven to be just as true as my own Hindu gods?  That is just a part of my life that I have to accept and accept in such a way knowing that I am on my own with experiencing spirit at one point of time in my life (after the loss of my grandfather for a very short period of time). For this reason or my experience, I try to attend a nearby church service during the holiday season. I also love reading books that speak of faith’s teachings, spirit and heaven as well for this reason. I loved reading purpose driven life by Rick Warren and my personal favorites are from a person who grew up Christian but engages people with topics on spirituality, Wayne Dyer.


About Iksvakave

I am on a quest to understand my religion --- Hinduism. I have decided to keep a log of my discoveries, and experiences and what I have come to learn in the process. I like to travel through people vicariously. To observe the working of the mind, body and spirit. And heart. The soul infact is what our bodies have and what we are ultimately or in the end! The pricelessness of the soul is a soul is only potentially divine. Our journey here is therefore to understand that divinity in our lives. The ideals of societies, language, culture religion, and spirituality, is what interests me. what we know and don't know and outside of our four walls, maybe the truth of that journey here on earth also, our yoga to be learned and equally perfected in life. What this blog is about is the values of the mother tongue India. And the values and culture of India and my nationality America. Pricelessness of it one will come to know you see. The Hindu valued space on the forehead, is for the mind and also for the center of the mind's conscious. veena kodali

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